Why You’re Running Out Of Nail Art Ideas

Yes, I’m overly passionate about art block  

Finally, you have the energy to do nail art and you sit down and absolutely nothing comes out of it. You just look like an idiot because you’ve got all the right things: time, energy, nail polish, but you’ve got no creativity or single idea in your head. You scroll Instagram because you’ll think that will inspire you but you just fall into rabbit holes of videos and people who are more talented than you.... maybe that’s just me but let me tell you something. You are not lacking creativity. You’re lacking curiosity. 

The truth is that none of your ideas solidify because you can’t feel the fascination of it. All art stems from fascination in its many forms. Not to sound like a guru, but at the root of all art blocks is a disruption in the flow of your excitement. You know you love to do art, you know doing art is fun, but the dots aren’t connecting like they’re supposed to. Something is blocking all that energetic passion and you have to find a way to break through it. There’s a lock on your ideas and the key is curiosity. 

Curiosity fuels fascination. Something you don’t understand feeds the fire of wanting to understand it. In this case, that could be new techniques, new color combinations, concepts you’ve seen but never tried before. Maybe that’s a little dramatic for some minor hobby like nail art, but it’s a hobby for a reason. You want to express yourself just like anybody else would. Don’t put so much stress on making masterpieces. Sometimes you make some super basic nails just because you need to jumpstart your flow. That’s okay. 

In the end, the best case scenario is getting your curiosity back. Some people start asking themselves deeper questions about what their hobbies and passions mean to them and others explore new ways to do art. Both options are good and completely okay. Personally, I lean back on things that I KNOW make my brain feel excited. Books being one of the most prominent. I love books. I always have. Especially fiction and fantasy. There’s a certain feeling to so many possibilities that I can’t explain. I’ll pick color schemes based on book covers and that in turn gives me nail art ideas. Sometimes I take elements from books like metaphors and messages and work that in with the already fun stuff happening on my nails. It’s a whole lot of fun. 

Everyone is different, but the bottom line to regaining all of your brilliant ideas is to relax and search out the things that excite you. Be curious. Test new things. Make ugly things. If what you’re doing makes some part of you feel happy, keep at it and continue to discover. 

- Madison


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